The official Magic Utilities Download page is:
At the top of the Download page the latest version number is listed.
To check the version number of your program, start the program and go to the
about window to view the full version number.
Magic Utilites version numbers are made of two parts: Major
Version and Minor Version.
What is a Major Version?
The Major Version is before and after the first dot in the version
number. E.g. v1.0
What is a Minor Version?
Minor Versions contain small changes, normally bug-fix patches.
The Minor Version begins at the second digit.
Example of Minor Versions: E.g. v1.05 is Major Version 1.0,
Minor Version 5
Where to get the latest version
The Magic Utilities World Wide Web site always carries the
latest version. Connect to our web-site at the address above.
If you have a problem or error message, please visit the Support
page on our web site.